A simple plan

You know when you have a simple plan that the devil is in the details.

Procrastination is the first hurdle. Putting your head above the parapet is the next. Legals and tech setup third.

How are regular consumers able to make informed decisions about who they are actually giving their money to when they see "that thing they always wanted" popup in some remarketing ad, let alone when low grade sites manage to game the search engines through sophisticated networks of inauthentic sites and content amplifying fake trust signals.

Deals that can be too good to be true, offers that to the rational would appear irrational. However, many of these scams use complex social engineering vectors to catch people when stressed or anxious limiting the ability to make rational judgement. These scams really are the pinnacle of excellence in 'deceptive' advertising.

Currently, there are isolated data compliance, risk management, cyber security, audit teams, and even moderation folk all trying to do the best job they can. However, many only want to work within their remit, that is to say "To do their job".

The plan is to make it easier for people to do their job and allow the scope of their job to have broad positive outcomes, as opposed to being tick box exercises.

Security doesn't come through secrecy, transparency needs improving.

Small changes are all that are needed. Indeed small is beautiful & small is possible.

*Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered (1973) E. F. Schumacher - Chief Economic Advisor to the British National Coal Board from 1950 to 1970.